The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our Daily Blessings

My hubby had a heart by-pass surgery and just as I was driving the children to madrasah today from the hospital - I kept smilling to myself and laugh with the children listening to their conversation and keep counting my blessings for having them and many of Allah's blessings. The thought of my husband health condition as a mishap has never crossed my mind. In fact I put my trust in Allah and felt that somehow it was a blessing in disguise because He has provided us with plenty;
  • - we wish that they will be caring and loving to one another and so they are - that's a blessing, Alhamdulillah
  • - we wish that they'll be best of friends and so they are - another blessing ya Allah
  • - we wish that they'll will always say simple "thank you" and "please" so they do - Alhamdulillah
  • - we wish that they'll be considerate to others and especially their own family members -  Alhamdulillah they try
  • - we wish that they'll be responsible Muslims and try their best to do their basic responsibilities...Alhamdulillah they try their best
  • - we wish that they each will grow up to be Allah's faithful servants, insya'Allah we hope they will be
  • - we wish that we'll not be worried about the roof above our heads, Subhanallah He has showered us with more than we need
  • - we wish that we'll always have enough food on our table, Mashallah He provides us with more than enough
  • - we wish that we'll be showered with good health - Alhamdulillah He gave us reminders and early warning for us to have better health :)
Insya'Allah we certainly are forever in gratitude to Allah for all the blessings Allah has showered upon us and we are confident He will always watch after us. For everything that may look like tribulations we are very sure it is a blessing in disguise. Insya'Allah whether we realised it or not it is for the better. May our life continue to be filled with His blessings always...Ameen\

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