The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nothing is perfect even how hard u try ...

Met a couple fren who have decided to retire at 45 eventho they were running a successful business. Yes, they decided to sell off their business and begin their retirement early. their reason is simple; they do not wish for a big house, neither do they wish for a new car ... all they wish is to live the rest of their life simply, peacefully and hope their children will be successful in their life.

It's time for them to take care of their health and grow old gracefully. Now is the time for them to catch up with what they had missed when they were busy running their business. Now they no longer worry whether its Monday, Tuesday or any day for them to rush tru it and not knowing what and why they are rushing for. But there are still challenges bcos it's life and that nothing is perfect ... and they can take it in a stride bcos it is not as stressful as before...

Alhamdulillah, All Praises Be to's nice to hear about others who are pursuing their beliefs and not rush for this world anymore ... at times i wonder if it is worth to rush tru life and get so worked up and stressed out. Why can't we just relax and take things as they come along with ease and let it go when it's time? Try your best? What is your best may be different from what is define by me trying your best is what is the best way you can do in order to please Allah (within your capacity and knowledge). thus it is between u and the Creator and nothing else matter. For Allah make things easy or remove sadness when it is meant for us.

اَلَّلهُمَّ لَاسَهْلَ إِلَّا مَاجَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلاً
وَأَنْتَ تَجْعَلَ الْحَزْنَ إِذَا شِئْتَ سَهْلاً

Allahumma la sahla illama ja ‘altahu sahlawwa anta taj’alul hazna itha sh’ita sahla."
{O Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy, if you wish, you can make the difficult easy.}

The doa shared by a fren aptly put things into times when i find a situation difficult to hanlde I know only Allah can make it easy for me. Well i supposed, it's bcos we r not perfect and we will never be. Try as hard as we can the challenges - can pull you down and get the worst out of you. thereafter u try and lift yourself up again - source out for all the +ve vibes around you to revive yourself again. ~  Yes, at times it is suffocating and u want out  ~ but u know u have to stay bcos u have not excel in the challenge yet. even tho u feel u had tried your best... And so u will b given another chance and be tested again and again (the scenario may be different but the concept of the challenge remain the same - hahaha sounds like a maths problem) and until u get it right or realised how to get it right - it will stop. And then after a while u will forget and the cycle will be repeated until u bcome wiser ... or it's time for u to leave this world.

InsyaAllah - all i wish is my faith will remain in tact in whatever challenges i m facing and May Allah keep us under His guidance and keep sending us reminders and shows us the right path ... the cleansing process will never be done until your final cleansing in Akhirah ... i dreamt of death, my own (wish it will b as such), my family members and of others. Alhamdulillah nothing unpleasant or gory. I had loved ones who had passed away right in front of my eyes ... even tho the experience was real... i could never imagine what goes thereafter and seem a bit at lost each time. bcos every time it happened there seem to be an over flowing sense of relief. i wonder if it was because i had expected it or was relief for the burden of this world was over for that person...

Are we truly prepared for the life after? i doubt i will ever be, even how hard i try (not that i ever did- at least not my best) i know i will never truly be prepared for it bcos i m not perfect and that thought is actually consoling bcos ONLY the Creator is perfect ...  My only wish is that Allah will shower me with His Mercy and Forgiveness ... and that i will accept whatever is my fate willingly, insya'Allah.

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