The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Raising Interested Readers

Peace be to all,

Did a presentation at a childcare for Mendaki PEP programme yesterday. Here is a summary of what I shared with the parents:

 The ABC of How to Help Your Child Love Reading

Getting your child to love reading can start as soon as they were born, or even during pregnancy itself. Babies enjoy hearing parents’ voice and will naturally be absorbed by the language and attention even if understanding only comes later. Here are some pointers to help your child love reading:

·                Avoid forcing your child to read by himself. Reading should not be a form of punishment. Read with him if he refused to start reading.

·                Books should easily be made accessible for them to reach. Surrounds your child with books.

·                Create an inviting atmosphere for reading.

·                Do it together. Make reading a family activity.

·                Encourage your child to join when you read.

·                Find books that your child is interested in.

·                Get to know the librarian at your library to help pick out good books.

·                Help your child by being a good role model.

·                Instil in your children the love for reading as early as possible.

·                Join the library and let your child attends the reading activities they conduct for children

·                Kindly, skip to a favourite page or book, if your child loses her interest. Read as long as your child willing to listen

·                Let your child chooses his own books.

·                Make reading fun. Follow-up with reading activities

·                Never Criticise or ridicule her when she tries to read on her own

·                Open ended is a good way to pose to your child, to help him thinks and understand the story he reads.

·                Point to the words as you read aloud. Your child will be able to connect printed words to spoken words.

·                Quiet corner should be created for your child to go to whenever she feels like it.

·                Read everywhere you go. Read signs, posters, advertisement and others.

·                Support your reading to her with expression that shows enthusiasm.

·                Talk about pictures or the book as you read it.

·                Unusual stories that brightened up your imagination will usually lighten up a child

·                Various types of books should be introduced to your child – poetry, word pattern, rhymes and repetition books are some examples.

·                Write simple notes to your child and read to him.

·                X-tra time should always be made for reading whenever possible. Read aloud to your child for a few minutes every day.

·                Yes! Should always be the answer when your child asks you to read to him. (excuses can be given after that)

·                Zest! Must be added to your reading whenever you read to your child.

And some of the websites for additional resources on reading:

Some reading activity websites: