The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Being healthy is a choice...

Peace be upon all,

Whenever I fell sick, I will try my very best to be positive and to keep thinking of all the good things that I should always be in gratitude for;
  • being able to breath (even with slight difficulty... or else I will not be able to appreciate the ease of breathing without mucus stuck in my nose & throat or having a congested chest.
  • food to eat even tho I might not feel like eating (which is a double plus - so that I will not overeat and only eat to provide me the energy to do my daily chores)
  • walk even if it is slower than usual - and appreciating the strength that Allah gives me whenever I m healthier
  • and many, many more...
sometimes, many times actually I wanted to advice my frens about living a healthier lifestyle but am afraid to intrude cos they had chosen the lifestyles that they are proud of; the ones that allow them to show what they can eat and not be afraid of the harm they do to their health...

So I stop myself from doing it bcos I had chosen the path I wanted too and not what others wanted me to do. And that is trying to live a healthier life. I will be lying if I said I never strayed. The very reason why I am sick now is because I had strayed from looking after my health.

I don't blame others but I know - I had not been exercising and looking after my food intake for the last 2 weeks. As a result, my immunity system went down and I got easily infected with the cough and cold that my colleague was having.

As usual there is a blessing in disguise - I lost the weigh I gain from eating junks the past 2 weeks and have time to plan for my next round of fitness routine. I also get to reflect the price and consequences I have to pay for neglecting my health.

Alhamdulillah - I m so glad I can reflect on it and continue pursuing my journey to lead a healthy lifestyle. In-shaa-Allah I hope all of us will - there is no harm enjoying the goodness of the food that Allah has showered on us - but do remember to come back to reality and observe Rasulullah s.a.w. sunnah to be moderate and do take care of our health so that we can continue be a service to others for the sake of Allah, in-shaa-Allah. 

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