The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Winning Child - Raising Your Children Self-esteem and confidence

Peace be to all,

Alhamdulillah I had the priveledge of sharing the above workshop with a large group of parents at Al-Mukminin Mosque last Saturday. There was a technical glitched and we start later than plan...I am writing this blog as a reflection to the workshop.

Just before the workshop the principal told me that they wished to actually share with the parents how activity-based lessons (i.e. aLIVE is conducted in class) ...perfect timing, right when I was supposed to start I was told about the hidden curriculum.
 Well, that's exactly how I will conduct the workshop - so no qualms the only addition I have to add is to connect the two together my activity-based workshop to aLIVE activity-based lesson.

The parents were very actively involved - some were quiet shy to discuss at first but after a while they started sharing among their group members and later to the whole hall  - Yes we got over 50 parents participating in the workshop of various races. - which I forgot at times and had to translate the Malay words that I used sometimes.

Glad to see that some asked questions when they were in doubt. Though I did not managed to cover the 5 principle of self-esteem that I wish to cover, we did managed to cover some case-studies that are quiet demanding for the parents. Amazingly some of them began to see how these situational incidents can be a teachable moments for them as parents as well as their children. These are some of the points discussed if you wish to have the slides or clarification do write it in the comments below. Will be happy to email it to you.

Here are the 5 principles covered:
The thoughts and feelings of your children To Help Children Experience Feelings of Success
Communicate expectations specifically & positively
Paraphrase instead of evaluating
Show empathy
Ask open questions to “tell it like it is”
Seek clarification of meaning
Invite children to elaborate
Check child’s understanding of expectation
Offer reasons for expectations
State expectations in advance
Clarify expectations
Establish incentives
Offer help

3 . REASONABLE CONTROL Over Their Lives 
Offer choices
Communicate acceptance
Use “I” rather than “You” messages
State preferences rather than demands
Tell what can be done instead of what can't
Allow for negotiation

Be specific when you praise
Be specific when you reprimand
Generalize the positives that they exhibit repeatedly
Reinforce for who they are as well as what they do
Convey to them that you love them even when u don’t like what they do
Focus on their behaviour when reprimanding
Use feelings statements
Reinforce success when faced when failure

Be a model to children by:
Play with them freely and confidently
Don’t be afraid to face challenges
Do things in a lighthearted ways
Provide confident and positive picture of yourself
Talk positively about talents you possess
Show them your concern about helping others

Recommended Resources

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