Peace be to all...
During my volunteer work, I have the chance to meet students who are scholars and those who need help in their studies (the needy).
In order to help those needy students a tutoring session is conducted by volunteers to help the children who came for the sessions.
Sadly, tho we have many volunteers - very few needy students came for assistance - I guess they are not needy afterall to forego the free services that the enthusiastic volunteers are offering. Many of these volunteers came from top schools in Singapore and wish to contribute their time in helping others. Tho it is part of their school curricular requirements, these students can choose various vocations to meet the requirements and they chose tutoring.
During these sessions I was able to observe the difference between the scholars and the needy.
- The scholars are willing to take challenges, while the needy squirm when given one. For example, most of these students volunteer had never done tutoring before and yet when given the task they look forward to making sure they help their tutee understood what was being taught. The tutee when given an extra task to do that will help in their learning, refused to do and even squirmed at the task, eventho after doing it - they attained marked improvement but ironically they are reluctant to repeat the act even after knowing it works!
- The scholars will prepare what u gave them by the end of the day. The needy ignored the task even if u gave them a week.
- The Scholars will come early before the session, the needy will absent him/herself when she pleased.
- The scholars consider academic excellence as a given (must score A), the needy will be glad if she gets a pass.
- The Scholars not only excel in academic but also in sports and other activities, the needy are forbidden to join any extra curricular activities by their parents with reason that their children need to spend more time studying. Many of the needy parents have a misconception that extra curricular activities is a waste of time and yet they did not encourage their children to read story books either, thinking studying can only be done via the textbooks.
- The scolars get good nutrition and healthy food, the needy spent money on buying candies and junk food.
The differences are great as such it is understood why the scholars turned out to be scholars and the needy remains as a needy. In my work, I tried my best to educate the needy children and abolished many misconceptions and try my best to establish right attitude and principle. However, at the end of the day...those who managed to get out of their "needy" group are those who are able to break free from their norms and persevere when faced with challenges. These needy children have the potential to be scholars too only if they are steadfast and willing to take the Big leap to make the difference.
Insha'Allah - may Allah shows them the way and provide them with all the providence that they need. Ameeen....
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