The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Another learning disabilities that is discovered only recently, it's interesting how those who had it managed without being diagnosed and knowing it helps to somehow made them understand how they can maximise their potential.

She sounds very much like me when I was in school - unlike her I was never diagnosed and fell asleep instead. Asking too much questions was not an alternative and I had learned to sleep while staying awake and listening.πŸ˜…

Until today I struggle to listen. It's not that I can't hear in fact I hear too well that even the person's breathing and intonation can be intoxicating and irritating. Thus I had to stop listening and had to cut them short.πŸ˜– Thus, I m so good at interrupting others and speak loudly so I can block those noises😩. Sorry!

If someone talks too much - it's like mosquitoes buzzing in my ears. Now I know - why I avoid crowds and schools whenever possible 😁

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