The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Monday, September 19, 2011

About knowing and being healthy

Peace be to all,
The month of Syawal is almost over, as a practice we will usually visit friends and relatives during this month. Though i enjoy being alone, i do make a point to visit my relatives and friends just to touch base and see how they are doing, we are living in a community after all. Tho i rather curl up at home, i had to force and extricate myself out. But at the end of the day it was always a pleasure meeting them and exchanging news and ideas. I am ever so grateful to have a bunch of great ppl around me, Alhamdulillah! :)

As usual we will have current and "major" topic to discuss and share about. Coincidentally, this year is about my hubby recent heart by-pass surgery. And so that become the "hot" topic for him to talk about this year as we went visiting. So the topic of discussion this year was on health. Ironically, tho many of us do know the importance of taking care of our health, the food served on our table showed otherwise. I tried my best to take as little as i could but temptation sometimes override and u tend to go with the flow. And so after each visits i will have to detox and exercise to burn the excess food i had taken the day before. Talking and knowing about healthy living is easy but being healthy and practicing what you know will take all the stamina and determination for you to be consistent.

We have both been trying to loose weight and we had successfully lost a few kg but the effect of "good food" had caused our weight to fluctuate like a yo-yo. So we need to work harder after each weekend and continue to persevere till we can successfully not only think healthy but also eat healthily, insya'Allah. This is one of the things that i don't quiet enjoy when we go from house to house. They are all good hosts and hostesses and such they tried their best to serve "good food" and as guest we don't have the heart to decline tho it harm our body, esp our hearts.

However, I had learned a few techniques of being seen as a good guest, if u already had had enuf;
1. delay taking the food as long as you can
2. take a bit and spread the food across the whole plate
3. "play" with your food and eat sparingly and slowly (to ensure there is always food on your plate)
4. Drink lots of water (plain, sugarless) so u r really "full" (u r not lying when u said u r full. it is also to help u fight the temptation of eating more than u need)
5. keep the conversation going or entertain your children
6. Don't forget to thank the guess for the lovely meal,
7. Remind yourself if u really like it - u can always eat it on another day when u are not full (by cooking it or buy it later) - don't force feed yourself and think that you had wasted the nice food by not eating them. But think of how much harm you will do to your body if you take excess food that your body can no longer take..

Alhamdulillah we r showered with plenty food in Singapore and most of us will not go hungry, insya'Allah, thus we do not need extra for keeps ;) these also apply to when i have wedding buffet to attend is very risky to go on empty stomach, u tend to eat and want more than u need. SO I usually make sure i drink plenty of water and some fruits before approaching the buffet table ;) and it works! I will have not much appetite to eat thereafter and eat sparingly :)


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