Peace be to all...the wonder of the technology is amazing...u can wish your friends who are sick to get well soon, birthdays and what nots without even meeting them or calling them. I am all for it - that is why I am so techno-friendly - definitely not a freak cos I can live without it and snuggle with a book instead.
I like it because i don't need to meet ppl or bother them on the phone and yet keep in touch. Hehehe ~ I like - I don't need to visit and bother you when you are sick and yet I can wish you well and ask you how you are doing. To me that is a blessing too bcos personally I dont like to meet ppl when I am sick

...it is so not comfortable.

Well just as the holidays looms it will be followed by the flu bugs...Alhamdullilah my family was able to escape many instances and I can count in one hand the number of times my children got fever or flu last year - once or maybe twice. And this year we were greeted with it in January...I m not complaining but as compared to others we are far more blessed. Added to that it usually dont last more than a week...so we are ever thankful. Especially since we took Mila (chia seeds) and bought it online from
http://lifemax.net/saria we have been blessed with healthier food since. Alhamdulillah!

To me getting sick is still a blessing ...just about a month ago I was reading my friends FB updates and wishing them - get well soon...and at the back of my mind I was wondering when was the last time I caught a flu and feeling dreadful like they did...it seems ages and I was feeling bad for not feeling sick. Yeah! Crazy me! Well I remembered a saying that say sickness is for a way for Allah to test you and to bring you closer to Him...guess I was jealous. Hahaha...stupid jealousy...so in a way I was wishing to get sick? Guess what? My wish is His command? I got it...after looking after my feverish son for a day...He got well the day after without coughing or runny nose but my eldest daughter and me got the full blown flu but for a few days...well I guess that goes to show Allah knows we can endure better. It makes you appreciate your good health better, it reminded you of His many blessings giving you a painless body that allows you to move freely and doing your chores easily.

And yet i am ever thankful for all that, i know of someone who's family is suffering one sickness after another and yet they stood steadfast and stay positive throughout their challenges. The only examples I had seen in my family were my own parents and parent-in-law. Alhamdullilah...now that years had passed I could barely remembered the challenges that we faced, I supposed we were able to handle it and carry-on with our lives.

And as the clock turns...it will be soon our turn, insha'Allah I hope we will try our best to keep fit and stay healthy and not be a burden to our children and keep thinking of what to eat! Get a life! I dont really like it when ppl posted pictures of food on FB aren't there any better things to do than eat ... Food is what makes you...aahh... let's not talk about food - we eat to live.

My wish is to meet Him when I m in the best state of Iman (and in Health i.e. I did not cause any misgivings to my body bcos of what I ate or do to it), insha'Allah....Ameen...

May Allah provides us with good health to bring us closer to Him, insha'Allah...Ameeen....
First Posted in Multiply on Jan 21, '11
Health and Medicine in the Islamic Tradition: Change and Identity (Health/Medicine and the Faith Traditions)
The Magic of Chia: Revival of an Ancient Wonder Food
Link to Chia Seeds and its benefits
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