The path less traveled...

The path less traveled...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

MY DEAR SISTERS ~ DO YOU REALLY CARE? posted in my FB notes on 13Aug09

I have always been concern over my weight, not because of vanity but because of health. I am always worried of being a burden to others because ultimately one of the things that make u sick is being overweight. I know if Allah wills it u will fall sick but prevention is better that cure right? And one of the ways is to watch what u eat. At least in my case, I will be easily out of breath and catch cold and cough easily when my weight ballooned or when i don't exercise. I don't deny the fact that its difficult to loose weight when u are older but do u really need to carry those extra kilos.

Just recently, after meeting my dear friends; one of our favourite subjects is of course about loosing the extra kilos. And I realized that most of my dear sisters love to eat...i like it to but recently i began to detest it for the fact that it had caused many unhappiness on me whenever i over eat. i became sluggish, lazy, sleepy and even sickly. But why do we keep doing it i.e. OVER EAT??? DON'T YOU CARE?

i watched with concerned over the few sisters i met recently...they are still young in their late 20s and early 30s with children as young as 2-3 years old. I wonder...DO THEY REALLY CARE? not only of themselves but also their children. I am sure they do but really my dear sisters DO U REALLY CARE?

if any of u noticed, i could barely eat the foods that were served on that day. Not because they were not palatable but because I was worried sick of the consequences that will affect some of us who ate that day. The foods were too rich, too sweet and too fattening. Alhamdullilah some of u brought fruits and some healthy stuff which i did eat.

Back to my question again. my dear sisters DO U REALLY CARE? Imagine if u continue eating the way you did that day (i know its not everyday u eat that way, i am exagerating a bit) but even if u really do it once in a blue moon...DO YOU REALLY CARE? What u put in your body? What it does to the sugar level in your body? In your blood?

Rasullulah s.a.w. encouraged us to be “moderate" in whatever we do. Are we doing that in the food that we take? Have u ever thought that some of the food that u take eventhough it is halal may be haram if it is harmful for your body. well maybe i am out of track again. let me get to my question again.

DO YOU REALLY CARE? If u don't watch your weight or health in this case, your children will need to look after you when they start their secondary school life. Imagine what u will be putting your children tru if u are sick when it’s actually time for them to learn and grow. I was looking at your children concerned of what will be ...should u not take care of your health from now.

DO YOU REALLY CARE? i am too sad to continue now...but sisters i will love to hear your comments and prove that i am wrong and ALL OF YOU DO REALLY CARE...INSHA'ALLAH.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How do u weigh your good deeds?

Peace be upon all

One of the interesting questions that we came across when we exposed children to activity is the question - "How do you weigh your good deeds?" Parents were prepelexed when we posed that question in an activity - They questioned our intention and asked why we gave the pre-scholl children such a difficult and philisophical questions. 

We are well aware that children simplicity was what we wanted  and we had tested the questions to young children before posting the questions in our activity. The children are capable of answering simple questions that we adult as adult think is difficult.

Alia a 10 year old replied - "Good deeds is not something that u weigh its something that u do."

Amsyar who was 8 replied - "You can't weigh good deeds but u can count how many good deeds that u can do."

To me both answers are it philosophical? Maybe well, why not...we should expose children to critical thinking as young as possible...they need to see things from different perspective. Just because u ask a question on how to weigh something, that does not mean u have to show them how and give the exact answer. Its how u understand the concept of 'good deeds' versus the concept of "weigh".

Their answers are good example - there is no 1 right answer to such a question. What we are looking for was the child's understanding of the concepts of good deeds so the question was posed to let parents and child explore some of these possibilities :

  •  To listen to what the child thinks. 
  • All answers are possible there is no one right/wrong answer.
  • The child can compare betwwn what is consider as bad deeds versus good deeds
  • S/he can identify what s/he does in a day - did I do more gd deed than bad deed today, 
  • So is the weigh  of my good deeds heavier than my bad deeds 
  • Or "i can weigh my good deeds by the number of good deeds that i do today as compared to yesterday."

As adult sometimes we tend to forget how simple things are. We may just roll our eyes when such question is posed to us and ignore it or regard the question as irrelevant, when they don't know how to respon to their questions or over-think to find the answer. 

There are many questions that we should pose to our children during every day activity that are not direct questions because we want to train our children to be thinkers. Thinkers who will be able to look at a question and break it into simple question and apply simple steps to solve it.

To put it is actually simple...we choose to make it difficult.